

Best laser technology exhibition in Korea

Laser Korea is the best international event in Korea that is devoted to laser technology. You can check out state-of-the-art laser technologies as well as the latest equipment and parts in one place. Not only leading companies representing the laser industry including LG Electronics Production Engineering Research Institute, Coherent, TRUMPF, IPG Photonics and EO Technics but also organizations representing the laser infrastructure such as Laser Application Center, Laser Advanced System Industrialization Center, and Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials participate in the exhibition. Laser Korea provides a venue for people engaged in the field of laser to gather together through a workshop designed to exchange information between buying and selling companies.

Five cutting-edge technologies combine to create convergent synergy

To maximize convergence and synergy among the technology industries involved, the Expo holds Five high-tech exhibitions concurrently: Laser Korea and four other exhibitions in the fields of nano technology, adhesive·coating·film, advanced ceramics and smart sensor. Come and participate in Laser Korea to experience the synergetic effects of technology convergence yourself.

Laser Korea helps generate practical business results

Visitors to Laser Korea are mostly final and mid-level decision makers who are looking for information on the current state of the laser industry as well as new technologies and products and want to purchase the latest laser technologies and equipment. This helps generate practical business results for participants. Laser Korea also offers opportunities for a wide range of business activities with buyers through various business programs planned for different purposes including product and technology trade consultations as well as exhibitor presentations.